Make a piece of jewelry with a child's drawing

Cool! You've decided to take that child's drawing off the refrigerator and have it placed on a piece of jewelry. A piece of jewelry for grandpa, grandma or just for yourself as parents: you will soon carry the love of your kids with you everywhere. And the children are also very proud when they see their work of art on a piece of jewelry. Only joy! To deliver the jewelery in the highest quality, we have listed a number of tips for you. Please read this carefully before placing your order.

Necklace disc with child's drawing

This is what the drawing should look like

No, we are not going to tell you what the kids should draw or what it should look like. We would like to give you a number of things that will help us engrave the best result on your jewelry.

♡ Make sure the drawing is made with black or blue pen.
♡ Make sure the drawing is made on white paper.

Rather not:
♡ We cannot include colors in the engraving. So please do not provide drawings
with many colors on: this is difficult to engrave.
♡ Prefer not to make the drawings on striped paper: this striped background
is then included in the engraving.

Make a child's drawing for jewelry

Take a sharp photo of the drawing

Have you managed to put a beautiful work of art on paper? Then now it's time to take a good photo. It is important that you take a clear photo so that we can place the drawing in high quality on your jewelry. We give you some tips for taking a good photo:

  1. Make sure there is sufficient (preferably natural) light when taking the photo;
  2. Hold your phone about 15cm from the drawing;
  3. Focus on the drawing by tapping the screen with your finger;
  4. Take the photo and check whether it is sharp before uploading it with your order.

Bracelet disc with child's drawing

Like this! The children have made a beautiful drawing, you have chosen a beautiful piece of jewelry and a clear photo has been taken. Easily order your piece of jewelry with a child's drawing now and we will work for you with love. Would you go for a Jasseron bracelet with a child's drawing or would a practical key ring with a child's drawing suit you better? Do you have any doubts about whether the drawing is of good quality? Send an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to help you!

We look forward to making your order with a child's drawing. Nothing is more beautiful than capturing these works of art forever.

Author: Tanja Rakhou is the owner of KAYA Jewelry . The jewelry webshop for personalized jewelry for a competitive price and good quality.